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Whiplash Injury Claims

Whiplash injury occurs when the tendons and ligaments in the neck get sprained or overstretched. It is caused by a sudden forward and backward movement of the head. Whiplash is often suffered in traffic accidents in which an abrupt stop leads to sudden forward and backward movements of the head that then overstrain the neck muscles.

What is a whiplash injury?

Common symptoms of whiplash injury include pain and stiffness in the neck, sore neck muscles and inability to move the neck without experiencing pain and headaches. Other possible causes of whiplash injury include a fall or a blow to the head.

The symptoms of whiplash are not always immediate and may occur six to twelve hours after an injury.

What to do if you have whiplash injury

If you suspect you have sustained whiplash injury, see a medical professional immediately for diagnosis and treatment. Keep records of all medical reports. Also keep records of all expenditure in connection with the injury.

After seeing a medical professional, your next step is to consult a personal injury lawyer if you wish to make a legal claim. To determine which lawyer can best assist you, look to the particular circumstances of your situation.

If your whiplash injury was caused by a traffic accident, you will want to consult a lawyer with experience dealing with personal injury claims in connection with traffic accidents.

If you sustained your injuries after a nasty fall at work or a blow to the head due to an unsafe working environment, consult a personal injury lawyer who has experience handling workplace injury-related matters.

From the moment you are injured to the conclusion of your case, you should keep detailed documentation of everything that happens in connection with your injury. Make a note including dates and times each time something happens. For instance, make notes on all doctors’ appointments, the development of your injuries and any insurance-related matters. Keep official documentation such as receipts pertaining to all expenses.

Making a whiplash injury claim

Your lawyer will advise you as to the viability of your claim and chances of success. He will work closely with you to build a case with the help of all evidence you can provide him with. He may also engage a medical professional to act as an expert witness when your case goes to trial.

The Judicial Studies Board Guidelines state that compensation for mild whiplash injury might be awarded damages of £1,000 to £4,575, while damages for sufferers of moderate whiplash injury can be in the range of £4,575 to £14,500. Moderate whiplash injury is defined as a fairly serious and recurring pain, possibly limiting movement, and which might give rise to a need for further medical attention.

Severe whiplash injuries can command an estimated payout of £14,500 to £86,500. The severity required of such injuries may include partial paraplegia or quadriparesis, or an inability to move the neck for several years.

It should be noted that these figures are to be taken only as guidelines and the quantum of damages awarded is ultimately a matter to be decided by the court.

Contact Lloyd Donnelly’s Whiplash Injury Solicitors in Hertfordshire & London Today

The personal injury lawyers at Lloyd Donnelly Solicitors can assist you in making a whiplash injury claim. Contact us today on 01652641145 or fill out our enquiry form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

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My claim was very successful. I don't know how to thank Andrew. He did such a good job for me and I have already recommended him to a friend and will continue to do so.