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Personal Injury

Lloyd Donnelly's Personal Injury Solicitors have used their expertise to help thousands of people claim the compensation they need to get back on their feet.

You can make a personal injury claim now, using our simple online claim form, or read on to find out more about what’s involved in making a claim.

The term ‘personal injury’ covers a broad range of injury and accident types – from whiplash sustained in a car accident, to a broken ankle caused by tripping at work.

An injury can be physical or psychological. If you’ve been injured in the last three years, and the injury was caused, at least in part, by someone else, you may be entitled to make a claim.

We know that personal injury claims can seem complicated and time-consuming, but with the right advice, and our help, the process can be easier and quicker than you may think.

We can handle your claim on a No Win No Fee basis, so it won’t cost you a penny. 

Making a Personal Injury Claim?

Many people find that following an injury, they need to take time off work to recover. Making a claim can ensure that you have the time you need to fully recover, without having to worry about lost income.

Our fully qualified solicitors will tell you if you’re entitled to make a claim in minutes. We will then advise you on how much compensation you are entitled to, and how long the process will take.

What Documents and Evidence Do I Need to Make a Personal Injury Claim?

To successfully pursue a claim for personal injury compensation various documents will be required depending upon the circumstances of your case. You will also need to provide sufficient evidence in order to prove the other party is liable for your accident or injury. Your solicitor will explain to you which documents you will need to provide the evidence that will support your claim. The more evidence you can provide the more likely you are to succeed in getting the maximum amount of compensation.

Documents and Evidence You Will Need

Before determining how to move forward with your claim your solicitor will assess the chances of winning the case by reviewing the relevant documentation you have provided.

In order to comply with money laundering regulations your solicitor will initially ask for documents pertaining to identification and funding issues. So that he or she can determine how you will fund your claim, your solicitor may ask for copies of any insurance policies you have, such as household or motor insurance, since legal expense insurance is often included in these policies.

To provide the necessary evidence, be prepared to provide your solicitor with the following documentation:

  • Photographs of the accident location
  • Photographs of your injuries
  • Any written reports from the location of the accident or if the police attended
  • Documentation from witnesses

Documents and Evidence Needed When Liability is in Dispute

he following documents will be needed if the other party is denying responsibility for the accident. Depending on the type of accident this can include:

  • Road Traffic Accident – Sketch plan of position of vehicles and photographs of road markings
  • Trip or Slip – Photographs of a raised paving slab or other tripping hazard that caused your fall
  • Accident in the Workplace – Specifications of damaged machinery which caused your accident in the workplace

You might also need to provide the other party's insurance company with further documentation and evidence.


If the value of your claim is disputed photographs of your injuries will be helpful. This is especially important where you have been left with scarring as a result of the injuries you sustained.

Keep a Diary of Events:

It will be beneficial to keep a diary of events recording not only the circumstances leading up to the accident. In the case of road traffic accidents: Besides visibility levels, the weather conditions, and the speed of the flow of traffic, also include the events immediately following the accident such as, conversations with witnesses, with other parties and phone calls made to and received from your GP, insurance companies. Be sure to keep copies of any letters received in relation to your accident and promptly give them to your solicitor.

Out-of-Pocket Expenses:

Another type of important documentation relates to your claim for any out-of-pocket expenses you have incurred as a result of your accident. These out-of-pocket expenses can include items such as: painkillers and prescription charges, loss of earnings due to time off from work and the cost of any recommended treatment, such as physiotherapy. You will need to provide the relevant receipts, pay slips and invoices for the defendant’s insurers in order to support your claim for these items.

If you wish to get more information or help on making a Personal Injury claim, please get in touch.

What to do to make a personal injury claim?

Having an accident can be a traumatic affair, and filing a personal injury claim can add significantly to the stress of a would-be claimant. The scope of personal injury claims is broad and can encompass injuries sustained as a result of traffic accidents, accidental falls and faulty products.
Your chances of success if you want to make a personal injury claim can be greatly enhanced by following the tips below.
Want to get started in making a Personal Injury claim? Lloyd Donnelly are Personal Injury specialists and we can help you get started and take care of everything from start to finish.

Make a Personal Injury claim today by calling Lloyd Donnelly.

If you have had an accident at work, the first thing to do even before you consider making a claim is to get yourself the necessary medical assistance. Unfortunately, work-place related injuries is a very common problem in the UK and in most of the cases, this is a result of employers not implementation the necessary Health & Safety regulations [See Health & Safety basics and HSE's facts]. Here, we have put a short guide together on what you should do if you have been injured at work.

Get to a medical professional at once

If you have sustained any injuries at all, particularly if they are severe, see a doctor or other qualified medical professional immediately. Even if making a personal injury claim is at the forefront of your mind, have your injuries seen to by a doctor before turning your attention to making a claim. It is especially important that you seek medical advice at once in the case of neck injuries or whiplash injuries.

If you do not immediately seek medical attention following an accident, you might later be put at a disadvantage when attempting to make a claim as the court may hold you partly responsible for the severity of your injuries and thereby reduce the quantum of damages awarded to you. The onus is on you to take action to prevent increased or worsened injuries and further financial loss.

Go to the police

A police report provides you with written evidence that can later be furnished to prove your case and serve as documentation of important events and information. Include as much key information as possible, such as the names and contact details of everyone involved in the accident. Provide as much detail as possible when assisting the police in compiling a write-up of the events leading up to the making of the report. The report can later serve as a chronological account of the accident, which can have evidential and memory-jogging value.

Be careful of what you say

Watch your tongue when communicating with any other parties at the scene of the accident and afterwards. You are not compelled to identify the blameworthy party in the accident or to provide further details, so do not be intimidated if anyone tries to induce you to do so. Do not say anything that might escalate the situation and try not to stir up disagreement, as the more contentious the situation, the more acrimonious your case is at risk of becoming.

Record all expenses incurred in relation to the injury

Each time you incur any expenses in connection with the injury or damage, whether they be medical bills, bills incurred repairing or replacing damaged property or insurance claims or wages forfeited because you were unable to work, keep detailed and preferably official records. Wherever possible, obtain official receipts and records of all expenses incurred, and make your own annotations to reflect any notable circumstances such as waivers or additional charges that might not have been recorded in print. You also need to make sure to collect as much evidence as possible for your Personal Injury claim.

Beware of insurance companies

Seek legal advice or have your lawyer accompany you when liaising with insurance companies. Dealings with insurance companies have the potential to complicate a personal injury claim, so proceed with caution.

Be wary when asked to sign anything

Exercise extreme caution before signing your name on any documents or filling out any forms in connection with the injury. Make sure you have read and fully understood all documents. Be on the lookout for documents that may indemnify or limit liability of another party, or that try to induce you to promise not to sue. If possible, have your lawyer review all documents before you sign or fill them out.

Do not settle without advice from your lawyer

Unless you are experienced in making such settlements, trying to reach a private settlement with the opposing party or insurers can be a complex process or end up with you getting shortchanged. When faced with an offer for settlement, consult your lawyer and if he is of the view that the proposed settlement is one you ought to consider, have him negotiate on your behalf.

Observe deadlines

Ensure you do not fall foul of the limitation period prescribed in the Limitation Act 1980, the UK statute of limitations. You only have a prescribed period of time after the occurrence of injury or damage to file your claim. This time period varies depending on the nature of your claim and accident. After the limitation period has expired, you will be barred from bringing your claim. Because of this, it is imperative that you keep track of the dates of all events in connection with the injury and advise your lawyer of the same.

Making a Personal Injury claim

At Lloyd Donnelly, we fully understand that if you have been injured at work and considering making a Personal Injury claim against your employer isn't an easy decision and there are lots of other factors to consider before you can decide. Which is why you'll find us at hand at all times not just during the claim process but also before to offer you unpartial and personalised advice and helping make the claim process as easy as possible for you.

Contact our Personal Injury Lawyers in Hertfordshire & London today

If you think you are entitled to a personal injury claim, we can help. Call now on 01652641145 or fill out our enquiry form below and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Lloyd Donnelly Solicitors

Experts in Personal Injury Claims

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What our clients say

My claim was very successful. I don't know how to thank Andrew. He did such a good job for me and I have already recommended him to a friend and will continue to do so.