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Here at Lloyd Donnelly, we are fair, transparent and honest in the way we set our fees. You get to choose how we charge you and we offer a range of options to suit your individual needs.

Fixed-fee Employment Law Advice

We offer a £299 plus VAT fixed fee consultation.

We understand that our clients like to know how much legal advice costs from the outset and want certainty on how much will pay.

We therefore offer a fixed fee consultation for peace of mind. During this consultation, which we are happy to carry out in person, over zoom or face-to-face, we shall discuss with you your employment issue and advise you on the way forward.

We should also review any documents you would like us to see during this meeting. We shall put you in a position where you can make an informed decision about how you deal with your employer, armed with expert legal advice.

To contact our employment law experts, call us on 01652641145 OR

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No Win No Fee’ / Contingency Fee Agreement

We take the risk out of your claim by offering a ‘no win no fee’ service for those cases we believe have a better than 50% chance of winning. If you choose this service, there will be no upfront fees at all. You will only pay for our services at the end of the case if you win. Most of the time, the fee you pay will be 35% of the money you receive at the end of the case. If you choose this option, you are guaranteed not to be out of pocket as a result of choosing us to win your claim. You will never pay more in fees than the money you win. 

What services are included within those prices?

If you choose this option, the agreement will cover all the work we carry out all the way through your case from the first interview to the tribunal hearing, if it gets that far.

All work carried out by a director, who is a qualified solicitor with over 14 years experience, will be charged at the rate of £300 an hour plus VAT.

Any services not included in those prices that might reasonably be expected to be included?

The agreement will not cover any appeal you wish to make at the end of your case if you are unsuccessful, nor will it cover any appeal your employer makes if you win your case.

 Most of the time, there will be no additional expenses and all you will pay is 35% of the money you win. However, in exceptional cases, we may need to incur expenses in bringing your case to a tribunal hearing. In our experience, only about 5% of cases reach a tribunal hearing. Expenses are payable at the end of the case in addition to the 35% and will be deducted from your compensation.

Examples of these expenses are:

  1. travelling costs either by car or train to a tribunal hearing, which is normally between £50 to £100;
  2. the costs of obtaining your medical records if we have to prove that you suffered an illness as a result of the treatment by your employer, which is normally £50;
  3. if you have suffered a psychiatric injury, we may need to obtain a report from a psychologist, which could cost up to about £1000. You get to choose if you would like to incur this cost.
  4. the cost of a barrister to represent you at the tribunal hearing but only if you choose to have one there. If you choose to have one there representing you, it may cost between £500-£5000, depending on how long your hearing will last. Hearings can range from one day to 5 days, and even more in very complicated cases. The cost of the barrister also depends on how experienced they are.

Payment on an Hourly Rate

You may prefer not to use our no win no fee service and instead wish to pay us on an hourly rate. You may choose to do that if you believe you will pay less overall than a flat 35% at the end of the case. We can help you make that decision by giving you an estimate of how many hours we are likely to spend on your case. If your case is very risky, we may not be able to offer you a ‘no win no fee’ service. 

If you pay on an hourly rate, we will bill you after each stage of work so you can keep tabs on how much you are spending. You can also set limits to help control how much you spend on your case. 

Depending on the complexity of your case, our fees are likely to be between £6,000 to £10,000 if your case reaches a tribunal hearing. If you would like to instruct a barrister to represent you at the hearing, this will be extra. We have provided below an estimate of that cost.

All work carried out by a director, who is a qualified solicitor with over 14 years experience, will be charged at the rate of £300 an hour plus VAT.

Experienced and Trustworthy Employment Lawyers

Your case will be overseen by Andrew Lloyd, one of our directors, who is an expert employment solicitor with over 14 years’ experience of litigation in the employment tribunal. He will be assisted by a litigation manager and a trainee solicitor who will also carry out work on your case under the supervision of Andrew.

Meet the team here.

How long will it take to solve my claim?

We shall try to resolve your claim as quickly as possible by applying pressure on your employer or former employer to settle your claim. However, it typically takes around 12 to 18 months for a case to reach a tribunal hearing. In our experience, only about 5% of cases reach a tribunal hearing.

Legal Expenses Insurance

We will investigate the possibility of funding your case through a legal expense insurance policy. This is a service which comes with some insurance policies and other financial products. It can be used to cover part or all of your costs. Your lawyer can take you through this option if it is available.

Contact our specialist Employment Law Solicitors, Hertfordshire

If you need expert and proactive legal advice about any employment law matter or dispute, do not delay and get in contact with one of our professional and experienced employment lawyers today via the online contact form.

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